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About Our Company

The Best Choice For Your Successful Business!

Well, if you are looking for an efficient life where you can focus on what is important to you. Our main goal is to help professionals reduce their workload and allow them to achieve more. Our aim is to help all type of business owners and executives win back their time almost immediately.

Social Media Management

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Molitia modi quae laboriosam nemo minima molestias vitae rerulla eos explicabo optio accusan nisi repellend atione ut qui iusto quaerat tenetur veniam.

Trusted by Companies

Premium Web Services

Our Best Services

We cover plenty of services. We are more than just a virtual assistant for small businesses. We are true professionals and offer high levels of business assistance. Find out some of the best services we have created for you.

Web Design & Development
We have a dedicated web development team that holds extensive knowledge to provide quality website design, development & management service for your E-commerce growth.
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Search Engine Optimization
We can help you improve your search results by launching SEO campaigns employing various tools, tactics.
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Marketing and Social Media
Any brand and business should take advantage of online marketing and social media to gets sale and leads.
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About The Company

Creative Solutions

Social Wave Media Group is a virtual assistant agency & we provide various services to entrepreneurs or all sizes of businesses from a remote location.

Our virtual assistant teams have several years of experience in administrative assistance, creative designs, SEO, SMM, making phone calls, and managing email accounts. One significant advantage of hiring a virtual assistant is the flexibility to contract for just the services they need.

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What People Say

Real Estates

VAs who handle appointments, outbound calls, real estate data entry, bookkeeping, etc.

Property Management

VAs who handle advertising, property applications, routine inspections, rent receipt, etc.

Professional Services

VAs who handle the official desk tasks like handling documents, appointments, client reports, etc.

Marketing Agencies

VAs who create content, perform SMM, SEM, SEO, EM, content marketing, etc.

Insurance Companies

VAs who handle insurance documents, billing, policy changes, customer service, etc.

E-commerce Businesses

VAs who handle product cataloging, product promotion, customer queries, ad campaigns, etc.

Tech & Software

VAs who handle official softwares, all the business techs, suggest the right techs, etc.


VAs who outreach to online donors, manage crowdfunding, fundraising platforms, etc.

Medical & Healthcare

VAs who handle doctor appointments, manage schedules, data entry for patients, etc.

We have developed a robust virtual assistance team with 11+ years of extensive knowledge in this particular field. Dealing with diversified niches has enabled us to deliver your desired VA services ASAP without compromising the quality.

We have created affordable VA service packages considering the workload every business institution/organization needs to face. Beyond the package, we offer 2 hours of VA service starting at $29, where you will get 2 more hours for free!

Our dedicated customer service executives are active 24/7/365 to serve you! No matter what type of inconvenience you’re dealing with, just ping your message to our customer service team. They’ll provide their best until you’re satisfied!

Our team's professionals have achieved their bachelor's degrees in different fields. They are certified VA from various popular online platforms like Udemy, Lynda, and so on! And throughout their practical working experience in VA, they earned the ability to serve you the best.

  • It depends on the workload of your business / official tasks that we have to deal with on your behalf. But considering the rough estimation, if you need to work 8 hours a day after taking our VA service, you can reduce it by 4 hours!